Speech by Acting Consul-General Mei Yuncai at the Chinese New Year celebration Reception
2017-01-18 07:56

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening and welcome you all! This is the first Chinese New Year celebration held by the Chinese Consulate-General in Adelaide since its official opening exactly one year ago. More significantly, the South Australian Government co-host this event with us, which fully demonstrates the importance the South Australian government attaches to its relations with China, its respect for traditional Chinese culture, as well as its strong support for the work of the Consulate-General. On behalf of all my colleagues, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the South Australian Government and all the people who have devoted their time and effort to make this happen! I would also like to extend my cordial greetings and festival blessings to the local Chinese, Chinese students, staff of Chinese enterprises and friends from all sectors in South Australia.

Chinese New Year is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese people. It is a time for family reunion and for reflecting on the past and looking toward the future. Looking back at 2016, fruitful outcomes have been achieved in China-Australia relations. Since the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement came into force more than a year ago, bilateral practical cooperation has reached an unprecedented level, with bilateral trade growing to a new hight. The FTA has also promoted people-to-people exchanges which can be seen from the growth of Chinese visiting Australia to experience the beautiful landscape and the quality Australian life style.

At same time, we are very delighted to see great progresses made in relations between China and South Australia last year.

·Following the establishment of the Consulate-General, the Bank of China opening its branch in Adelaide, and China Southern Airlines launching its Adelaide-Guangzhou direct flights, substantial benefits have been brought to the people of both Australia and China.

·Last year, Premier Jay Weatherill and two deputy governors of Shandong Province respectively led large trade and businesses delegations to visit each other, enhancing cooperation in all fields between the two countries.

·We warmly welcome and support William Light School to offer English-Chinese bilingual classes, the first of its kind in South Australia. These students are followers of Chinese culture, and I believe they will further add to the goodwill and friendship between the two peoples.

·The China Cultural Center in Sydney signed a memorandum of understanding with the Adelaide Festival Center. As part of this cooperation, we will be able to enjoy the Chinese New Year Concert --‘Butterfly Ladies Band’ and other art performances during this Festival season. These performances will add more flavor to the Chinese New Year celebrations here in South Australia, and will further enrich South Australia’s multicultural life.

All the achievements I mentioned would not have been possible without the effort of the overseas Chinese and the unique role they have played, in acting as a bridge between the two cultures and forging bonds between our countries.

2017 marks the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Australia. And it is also the Australia-China Year of Tourism. Australia has just introduced the 10-year ‘frequent traveler’ visitor visa for Chinese, which, we believe, will attract more Chinese to Australia. We are pleased to see Chinese language signs at the Airport and in some streets of Adelaide. This is a welcoming start. South Australia is well poised to receive more Chinese visitors. Here, I would like to invite South Australians to visit China. Seeing is believing. China’s historic heritage, ancient culture, beautiful landscapes and its hospitable people will not let you down.

Within 10 days we will say goodbye to the Year of Monkey and usher in the Year of Rooster. In the coming new year, the Chinese Consulate-General will continue to provide quality consular services and work with the South Australian Government and all sectors to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership of the two countries, promote mutual understanding between the two peoples and deepen China’s friendly cooperation with South Australia.

Before concluding, I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year!

Thank you!

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