Deputy Consul-General Zhang Muxing Attended a Celebration Held by Teo Chew Association of South Australia
2019-07-02 08:19

On 22nd June 2019, Teo Chew Association of South Australia held a celebration for completing the Guandi Temple in Adelaide. Deputy Consul-General Zhang Muxing and Consul Sa Ran attended the event.

Mr. Zhang said that since its founding in 1998, the Teo Chew Association of South Australia has carried forward the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, promoted the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance and has done a lot of good work for the fellow Chinese. The Chinese people here abide by local laws and regulations, work actively to give back to the local society. They have made positive contributions to the prosperity of South Australia and the continuous development of China-Australia cooperation. The Consulate-General would continue to provide quality consular services for local Chinese.

Mr. Hieu Van Le, Governor of South Australia, Ms. Jing Lee MLC, Assistant Minister to the Premier, Mr. Tung Ngo MLC and Ms. Angela Evans, Mayor of the City of Charles Sturt attended the event and delivered speeches.

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